Tag: Thora

  • The voyage of the Twain’s Folly | A Thora Silentblade tale

    The voyage of the Twain’s Folly | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Thora was up early, still a little jumpy about the night before. A visit down to the stables to see their horses was a calming moment that allowed the dwarf to refocus on what had to happen. Based on the state of Kranz’s antique shop, it might be a little…

  • Breakfast is good | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Breakfast is good | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Glancing around the room Thora knew that they had a lot of work ahead of them. Carrying the bandit’s body up the stairs and flopping it down next to the old man’s body was the easy step, now the hard stuff was going to begin. This room was apparently filled…

  • As Cold as Ice | A Thora Silentblade tale

    As Cold as Ice | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Thora stretched out their arms as the morning sun began to shed its first rays upon the sky. Today was the big day in Pitted Dusk, the day to recapture the predators that had been loosed the night before. After the triumph at the challenges the day before, Thora had…

  • Always bet on Bard | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Always bet on Bard | A Thora Silentblade tale

    They were about four days from Wilted Gulch when the scenery on their path started to shift. The desert behind them was giving way to an arid expanse that featured more vegetation than they had been seeing up until now. There was a smell in the air that Thora couldn’t…

  • Beware the siren’s call | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Beware the siren’s call | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Once again, Thora checked the bandages to see how things were healing. The armour had held up, but the dwarf had not fared quite as well. It was becoming a regular habit at this point to settle down for the evening and check to make sure how all of the…

  • Whistle while you work | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Whistle while you work | A Thora Silentblade tale

    It was almost an hour later when Thora finally came around, a crick in the neck forming from the awkward sleeping position in the chair. Stretching out, the dwarf looked around the shelter to find most of the others quietly chatting or similarly taking a moment to sleep. It was…

  • Hunting the hunters | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Hunting the hunters | A Thora Silentblade tale

    The large bonfire burning in the center of the room cast a dancing glow, eerily flickering across a massive trail of blood spread across the floor. In the distance, Thora was sure they heard the sounds of feet running, but it might have just been the adrenaline pumping from the…

  • The Miner’s Gambit  | A Thora Silentblade tale

    The Miner’s Gambit | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Silence settled upon the cave as the screaming goblin’s body fell to the ground. Thora’s eyes scanned the rafters of the chamber they were in, looking for an ambush or signs of more danger. Everything was quiet as the group spread out and investigated the cave system. While the others…

  • Building a reputation | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Building a reputation | A Thora Silentblade tale

    The ranch house was actually very nice to walk through, Thora considered, especially now that there wasn’t an immediate need to confront an entire band of thugs, ruffians, and bandits. The library upstairs was particularly intriguing! There didn’t seem to be any sort of organization, or method, to the collection,…

  • The Ranch House | A Thora Silentblade tale

    The Ranch House | A Thora Silentblade tale

    It was nearly full dark by the time they reached the outskirts of the ranch. The clouds shifted across the face of the moon, cutting the little light from the sky above. Out here, there were so many stars to take in you could spend a lifetime counting ’em and…

  • To catch a Cavendish | A Thora Silentblade tale

    To catch a Cavendish | A Thora Silentblade tale

    Over the past several weeks Thora had been making the way from the Sakhar mountains through several towns along the main roads, heading south and west, with no particular direction in mind. It was so strange to have the sun in the sky, blindingly bright, all day long. The first…

  • New Beginnings | A Thora Silentblade tale

    New Beginnings | A Thora Silentblade tale

    In the heart of the mighty Sakhar Mountains, Thora listened with closed eyes to the echoes of dwarven hammers harmonizing with the whispers of underground rivers. Born into a family known for their outcast ways, Thora tried hard to fit in with the rest of the clans by following the…

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